How to remove your account  Smart Way Global Logistics, or Smart Way Global Logistics Driver, or Smart Way Global Customers ?


To delete an account,  Smart Way Global Customers:

- open the mobile application on your mobile device;

- click "More" in the application, go to Settings;

- click the Request data deletion button;

- confirm the account deletion by clicking Yes.

After we process Your request and identify You, we will delete your account, except for:

– an unresolved issue with Your account (such as arrears, active and/or pre-orders, unresolved claims, or disputes);

If you have any additional questions, you can contact us at

Для видалення аккаунта, даних Smart Way Global Logistics:

- open the mobile application on your mobile device;

- click "menu" in the application, go to Contact Us;

- choose one of the ways to write to us;

 After we process Your request and identify You, we will delete your account, except for:

– an unresolved issue with Your account (such as arrears, active and/or pre-orders, unresolved claims, or disputes);

If you have any additional questions, as well as to write about deleting your account, you can contact you can contact us by e-mail